måndag 7 oktober 2013

The Hunter And The Bear

The Hunter and the bear!

One day Johnny Gun was out to look for some squirrels. After a while he had not got something and them go just a little longer in to the forest and sudely a bear came out of a cave. This bear was a little bear cub. After came this bear cubs mother out and saw Johnny Gun. Bear mother roared on hers cub but the cub had other things to explore and ran longer and longer in to the forest. Bear mother started to run towards them and Johnny got scared and started to shoot at the bear mother. Johnny met this bear mother whit a shot. This bear cub hear a shoot and ran back to the cave and on the way back he saw his mother got met whit a shot. The bear cub ran in to his mother and try to rescue and find a safe place there this Johnny hunter not can shoot on them. The bear cub find a big stone that they can hide behind and run into thier cave.

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